My #FightingFantasy output has been slowing down. I feel I've reached a stage where the line collapsed under the weight of its own success. #SwordOfTheSamurai came from the same authors as a previous book I actually liked, showing their talent. Though this one has several significant defects, it's hard to imagine it went through any serious quality control. Pressure to release more, quickly must have been considerable.
@mr_creosote I really like your FF reviews. Keep it up.
Thanks for the encouragement. I have started with the next one, Trial of Champions. Not too bad beginning, but then... insane!
@mr_creosote btw, I tried signing up for the goodolddays website but never received the confirmation email. Are signups broken?
Are you using Google? They decided to randomly block all mails from our server again. If you send me a private message with the mail address you used to sign up, i can activate your account manually.