An important read for #InternationalWomensDay and month. #books #bookstodon
An important read for #InternationalWomensDay and month. #books #bookstodon
Any good recs for the #TransRightsReadathon ? I like romance, memoir, graphic novels, YA, fantasy. Preferably nothing too angsty right now.
I have KU until the end of the month.
Also, any favorite places to donate for the readathon?
"Although he returned it six decades late, he was an ideal library book caretaker,” Parker says. “I’ve seen books deteriorated more that were loaned out for much shorter periods of time, and even found a book where they had clearly used a piece of bacon as a bookmark.”
Recently, I asked which Austen/Bronte character you would interview, and I still maintain that it would be Wentworth for me.
#AmReading #AmWriting @bookstodon #books #Bookstodon
#WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #Regency #Georgian #JaneAusten @romancelandia
If I record myself reading a copyrighted book and share the recording with some friends (for free), is that copyright infringement?
If so, can I claim fair use by, idk, dressing up in a funny outfit or something and turning the reading into a performance art piece, which I then record and share?
Is it copyright infringement to extract the audio from said recording of such a performance art piece and share that? There must be a legal way to do this...
Fahrenheit 451. By Ray Bradbury.
It’s the future, and your job is to burn books found in people’s homes, as they are illegal; you never questioned this because everyone is fine with this idea since books were replaced long ago with more entertaining visual media, but then something makes you want to read one of these books, and a different kind of flame is lit inside you.
4 of 5 library cats
Today's blog post was my response to Jon Young's What the Robin Knows, which focused on developing good listening habits, in the context of advice about how to listen to birds
New Read - Animal Crossing: New Horizons Deserted Island Diary
Another volume of Animal Crossing's on-going silly manga set in the New Horizons game. It's very silly, very fun, very full of in-jokes for folks who play the game.
Each chapter is a silly self-contained story. My favorite is the one where everyone decides to honor Tom Nook with gifts for all the good he's done for the island. They terraform to make an entire section of the island look like him. It's hilarious.
Lots of fun and silliness.
I am downright delighted to announce that my latest book, YOU DESERVE A TECH UNION, has a brand new look. I really love it, and I hope you do too.
Here’s a look at what’s changed and—maybe more importantly—what’s stayed the same:
I need suggestions what title it is he's looking for...
My guess is he's looking for "The adventures of Sir Puff'nStuff, mostly stuff but also puff."
@libraries @librarians @bookbubble @bookstodon
#Library #LibraryMemes #Memes #Libraries #Librarians #Humor #Humour
#Bookstodon #Bookworm #Bookwyrm #BookLove #BoostingIsSharing
In advance of the April #AtoZChallenge I wrote another blog post. This one is about the epics that have women heroes, but I won't include them in the series in April.
To read the list, and the reasons why, visit the blog:
(And if anyone has any suggestions for getting translations for some of these, that would be great )
I have two book recommendations for #FOSS & #Opendata enthusiasts especially to widen your perspective of it beyond technical aspects.
1. Think Like A Commoner by David Bollier
2. Knowledge as Commons by Prabir Purkayasta
As commoners we should think beyond the logic of Capitalism else we will / we have only become unpaid workers to all the capitalist enterprises big or small who appropriate the value from commons which we all collectively create.
About 1/6th of my way into “The Land of Milk and Honey” by C Pam Zhang and quite good so far. Hadn’t realized it was clifi, and wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle it with all else happening, but it’s pulled me in. #bookstodon
"Tell them they can be great some day, like us.
Tell them they belong among us, no matter how we treat them.
Tell them they must earn the respect which everyone else receives by default.
Tell them there is a standard for acceptance; that standard is simply perfection.
Then, they'll break themselves trying for something they can never achieve."
- The Fifth Season quote. NK Jemisin
Suspiciously sounds a lot like kyriarchy informed capitalism.
After Meta Blocks Whistleblower's Book Promotion, It Becomes an Amazon Bestseller
#books #bookstodon #publishing m
Heute alle Pläne über den Haufen geworfen und den Tag hauptsächlich lesend verbracht. Nach sehr langer Zeit mal wieder richtig in ein Buch versunken (abgesehen von Rollenspielwerken).
Es war großartig! Ganz große Empfehlung für "Rattenlied" von @Ardeija . Ich habs ja mit Reisenden Spielleuten, die in allerlei Abenteuerliches verstrickt werden, deshalb hat mich der Klappentext interessiert. Ich bin noch nicht ganz durch, aber spreche ganz klar eine Empfehlung aus.
Book shopping and cat therapy yesterday. Thank you, Twice Sold Tales.
#caturday #books #bookstodon #cats
Central Massachusetts folks - Tomorrow afternoon I will be hosting a reading, signing, and reception to celebrate the publication of my 9th novel, LITANY FOR A BROKEN WORLD.
Sunday March 16
4 pm
Stone Church Cultural Center in Gilbertville, MA.
Copies of the book will be available for sale.
Attempt #2: ADHD Explained by Dr. Edward M. Hallowell.
I spent 15 minutes re-reading/skimming to find my place because someone moved my bookmark. And 5-10 minutes reading new material.
Overall, I'm on page 42. I think it's pretty good but so far mostly stuff I already knew but well articulated and in some places put from a fresh perspective. It's very well set-up visually for readers with ADHD and I appreciate that.