Virtua Fighter Animation (Game Gear) Intro #VirtuaFighterAnimation #GameGear #SEGA #Retrogaming
Random Retro Game:
Title: Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Released: 1991-10-31
Platforms: Game Boy, NES, SEGA Master System, Game Gear
Also released on: PC, SNES, Commodore / Amiga, Genesis
#Terminator2:JudgmentDay #GameBoy #NES #SEGAMasterSystem #GameGear #Retrogames
What github would I submit an issue to for an issue that affects the #GameGear #FPGA on the #analogue #pocket? Is there a "default" core that runs when you run it off cartridge that's different from if I load in an emu? Issue is in both, fwiw, so it has to be the FPGA (save corrupts it) not my cart or rom
Nobody seems familiar with my problem so maybe it only affects shining force, but it's 100% consistent and very frustrating
Random Retro Game:
Title: Micro Machines (Old)
Released: 1991-01-01
Platforms: Game Boy, NES, SEGA Master System, Game Gear
Also released on: PC, Game Boy Advance, SNES, Commodore / Amiga, Genesis
#MicroMachines(Old) #GameBoy #NES #SEGAMasterSystem #GameGear #Retrogames
Bit of a special day today.
With this release, all 19 issues of Sega Force are now available to download.
This series was followed by Sega Force Mega, but I only have a couple of issues from that sadly.
Sega Force 19 - July 1993 (UK) has just been added to the preliminary magazine catalogue.
This issue as well as all the others, can be downloaded here:
Almost done with #PhantasyStar 1, Master System/original.
WOOF 80s RPGs require a sort of mental dedication I am not exactly fond of. At the same time, the game is impressively solid, not overly hard (shocking on its own, honestly), beautiful considering limitations. If I played it as a little girl (before I was born...) I would have loved it. Still enjoyed it, but would recommend a version with automap. And ideally, better dialog/hints.
best #GameGear emulator? I wanmt to play #Shining Force Sword of Hajya, my analogue pocket and/or the current FPGA core for GG doesn't properly support it, wipes all saves and corrupts memory if a save state or sleep state is loaded.
Got about halfway through the game making sure never to put it to sleep but messed up...not trying again
New blog post time!
This week's game is Phantasy Star Adventure, the first Game Gear entry that picks up where those neat Phantasy Star II Text Adventures left off. Unfortunately, this one feels like a step down in pretty much every way. That sure didn't stop me from rambling about it for a while, though!
Seems even with physical hardware the #GameGear FPGA does not (safely) support save states? Like they work but it instantly glitches out and even wipes physical on-board saves. It's all up to date ran pocket sync last week
On an obviously related note, I started playing #ShiningForce sword of...something, on cart.
Random Retro Game:
Title: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game
Released: 1989-01-01
Platforms: Game Boy, NES, SEGA Master System, Game Gear
Also released on: PC, Commodore / Amiga, Atari ST, Genesis
#IndianaJonesandtheLastCrusade:TheActionGame #GameBoy #NES #SEGAMasterSystem #GameGear #Retrogames
Review for Devilish on Game Gear from Sega Power 35 - October 1992 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Sega Power 35 - October 1992 (UK) has just been added to the magazine catalogue.
This issue can be downloaded here:
Random Retro Game:
Title: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game
Released: 1989-01-01
Platforms: Game Boy, NES, SEGA Master System, Game Gear
Also released on: PC, Commodore / Amiga, Atari ST, Genesis
#IndianaJonesandtheLastCrusade:TheActionGame #GameBoy #NES #SEGAMasterSystem #GameGear #Retrogames
I’ve long been a small gadget geek, and I bought an #Atari Lynx II, #Sega #GameGear and #Nomad before I ever got my first #Nintendo GameBoy (a Pocket, btw). This video shows the history of today’s ARM with the first home computers. #retrocomputing #videogames
Hm, all the replacements have been installed. There are no shorts that I can measure, but the power supply (both the one from this GG as well as from my good one) shut off after a second. There is something going wrong...?
What exactly does one look for in such a case? I never had this after recapping a Game Gear. This is a VA0 European model.
#sega #gamegear #retrogaming #retrocomputing
There are two things in the world that smell like fish. The one I name is Electrolytic Capacitors!
Seriously. How bad can it smell??
#sega #gamegear #retrocomputing
Random Retro Game:
Title: Disney's TaleSpin
Released: 1992-09-24
Platforms: NES, Game Gear
Also released on: Genesis
#Disney'sTaleSpin #NES #GameGear #Retrogames
Sega Force 18 - June 1993 (UK) has just been added to the magazine catalogue.
This issue can be downloaded here: