Phantasy Phriday again: Will this be the stream where I finally figure out how to go to the Castle in the Sky and beat the game? Find out live!
#RETROGAMING #PhantasyStar
Am I close to the end of Phantasy Star? Depends on if I can figure out how to progress. Well, time for some #phantasyphriday! Going live!
#retrogaming #phantasystar
Why did I commit to playing #PhantasyStar 1 the grind is nuts.
Think I'm over half way and it really does look damn good for it's year. Very grindy and expects you to have maps or make them.
More Phantasy Star on #PhantasyPhriday! Last time we made it to some red dungeon on a snowy planet, so I guess it's time to grind and show that dungeon who the real master is! Going Live!
#retrogaming #phantasystar
Phantasy Star Online. This music always gets me in the mood to play it
It's Phantasy Phriday again, and this time I'm exploring new world and looking for a hover craft. Going live!
#retrogaming #phantasystar
Some classic poor #retrogaming design in #PhantasyStar 1 is the treasure chest EVERY! enemy drops, and it ASKS if you want to open, with a small chance of a trap. There is basically no choice but to open every single one and just deal with the low odds of Trap, since you cannot get money otherwise.
A lot of early JRPGs seem to have tried to stick overly close to D&D (I noticed this game has Owl Bears and a spin on Beholders already)
Semi-reluctantly playing #PhantasyStar 1 again (on my #analoguepocket)
They sure don't make 'em like this anymore
...grinding up level by level and item by item in the very first encounter zone because you can't beat anything else and also there's no story.
...But there's an oddly firm sense of progress. Yet I'm at level 7, 3 purchased equips, and...still grinding in the starter area lol
Phantasy Star Phriday again, and we're continuing through the first game. Just got Noah, now for some hilarious hijinx and/or violence. Going live!
#retrogaming #phantasystar
Starting Phantasy Star again! Swapped to the Sega Ages version now because reasons, hoping to make some good progress anyway. Going Live!
#RETROGAMING #phantasystar
Jeremy Parish recommended the SMS Power translation/hack of the original Phantasy Star, and I was curious what the latest version was.
And hell's bells, they released an update *last week*.
What happened to Breath of Fire Friday? By popular (ish) demand it's turning into Phantasy Phriday for now! Time to start Phantasy Star 1! Going live!
#phantasystar #RETROGAMING