@theLobdegg I have not, but I have heard a lot about it! It's a shame we never got a localized version of the third game.
@Bogusmeatfactory @theLobdegg Third game is not worth it. It's broken beyond belief.
@dosnostalgic @theLobdegg that's a shame! Regardless, I get to enjoy the first two in the series!
@Bogusmeatfactory @theLobdegg Btw, if you've never read the original Atari ST version of Captain Blood's manual, I highly recommend it. It has a much longer version of the story than the later re-releases or the American manual. It's all kinds of bonkers.
@dosnostalgic @theLobdegg that is actually super helpful. It's like folks who enjoy Drakkhen on the SNES and I suggest they look at the manual for the DOS version because it includes so much more story, as well as gorgeous art. There is such a night and day difference in presentation.