"Oh it's okay that I say racist shit. I'm autistic." Do people think this is an acceptable excuse?
@Bogusmeatfactory this exact argument is perennially re-litigated in the open source community
@powersoffour this is wild! I've been told this a lot lately and all I can say to them is. "That's good to know, but you might need to see a doctor to get diagnosed with being an asshole, because that's more relevant to the conversation."
@Bogusmeatfactory There are a few names that this seems to pop up around, but it genuinely happens *all the time*.
@powersoffour missing social cues and being outright hateful are two very different things and it boggles my mind that we would humor that behavior because they state they have autism. It sucks in any area you are in because it also tries to make the narrative be that people with autism are all racist assholes. It's wild!
@Bogusmeatfactory I am surprised the second part of your statement doesn't get more attention -- the knife definitely cuts both ways