Why Nine Inch Nails' Quake soundtrack wouldn't have happened without The 7th Guest: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxLyqWQN2mW3LCGkCTDIWQJg_BPziMQinw?si=rNHDgN52_ZF8dTgV
Finally got around to watching this one. It's a long video, but totally worth it to hear from the creators of a #retrogaming classic like The 7th Guest! I was really surprised to hear how much of that whole era of gaming the composer and programmer were involved in.
@jeremyrdyer @sqhistorian I think 1 thing that wasn't mentioned there is that the programmer (Graeme Devine) reused the video encoding he made for The 11th Hour (ROQ format) to the Quake 3 engine. Even Jedi Academy 2 and RTCW use ROQ videos since they use Quake 3 engine. Doom 3 too since it's descended from Quake 3 engine.
@Die4ever @sqhistorian
Wow! That bit of tech had quite the shelf life!
@Die4ever @jeremyrdyer And it's named after his daughter!
@sqhistorian @jeremyrdyer she has an easter egg in T11H "In the nursery, double click on the R spelling block to see a picture of baby Roquel. Click on her to hear Stauf make a comment."