:O :O :O I only just noticed if you hold alt while clicking the "split editor" button in Visual Studio Code it splits down rather than up… this changes everything
XCode 3.x is still the best code editor I've ever used
@mcc I find it hard to function in a world where good things just disappear and are replaced by worse things, without seemingly anyone noticing or caring.
@Tijn i just want to print this post out and tape it to a wall
@mcc I did an internship in a recording studio where I learned one day they had five (5) identical vacuum cleaners.
I asked what's up with this and the owner said "I did the research, these are the best vacuum cleaners, so I bought five which should last me a lifetime without ever having look into it again or worry they stop making these."
I thought it was a bit wacky at the time, but I understand it more now.